Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Never Ending Learning

I truly believe that one can never stop learning and never should stop. I've met many in the metaphysical realms that get to a comfortable place of knowledge, then seem to just refrain from going farther. There is always something farther and new to learn. Even if the learning comes from personal experimentation and deciphering the experience. One reason I personally keep a journal or book of shadows. I enjoy learning and I fear the day I stop that my life will become a bore. Learning is what life is about. It might not always be book knowledge in this manner but life is full of lessons yet to be learned. The only thing that keeps us from moving forward and gaining new insight is closing your mind to new information. I don't believe in sin, but if I had to say something was a sin....then that would be it.  

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Life Endings and Beginnings

After arriving home from spending time with my family over the holiday of mother's day, I heard some concerning shrieking coming from  in my woods. (Did I mention I moved back into the country?) I went to investigate as whatever creature was making this sound was in much distress. After a couple of minutes of searching in the woods, I found crows throwing a fit above me and something flapping about at the base of a tree on the other side of my stream. I crossed it carefully to discover a dying wookpecker. A pileated woodpecker to be exact. He was thrashing about and I realized something was wrong with his neck or spine. He couldn't move his head properly and I knew that wasn't good as no amount of reiki would help up. All I could do was calm him down by talking with him. He died a few minutes later in my hands. I said a small prayer for him and left him be for nature to take it's course with him.

This event got me to wondering about the meaning of the woodpecker. According to Ted Andrews the woodpecker is a symbol of a time of new rhythms and new beginnings. Making it a time for building for the future in the manner that is best for you. I'm not sure how this applies to a witnessing this beautiful bird ending it's life's journey, but it is appropriate for me. How?

Well, it only seems fitting to announce on Mother's Day, that I am expecting a little one myself. Due date has been set for January 1st by my midwife. Oh, how the journey of life is always changing, right?