Thursday, February 16, 2012

Officially Spring

Spring has always come early in East Texas when compared to many other locations in America. However, there are several ways for one to tell that Spring has fully begun. Mainly, I check the wildflowers and the way the weather is during the rain. Wildflowers know when the weather is nice and only bloom here at the end of Winter so they are generally the first sign to look for. The most important sign I go by is that of the rain. If it rains, but it does not become cold during the shower then Spring is finally here. It is possible to get another frost after this and a few chilly days, but the worst of Winter is over. I also use these signs as a guideline for when my seedlings are able to stay out longer or for when I can start seeds outside in my mini garden.

Speaking of gardening, I started seedlings back in January for my Father,  myself and a friend's mother. So far my tomatoes for my Father are thriving the best and the onions I picked up from the local Farmer's Market are doing well. A strawberry plant I picked up at the grocery store not long ago is in bloom and already working on some berries. I've very excited about these little garden blessings. Hopefully this year my gardening will go well and the Summer heat will not be as extreme as last year's. This town could use a break from the drought and so could all the farmers and gardeners. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and using a little magick to ensure that doesn't occur this year.