Tuesday, July 10, 2012

This month I have decided to revisit the good old Thirteen Goals of a Witch. Reasoning for this event has is linked toward my sister who decided to partake in a 28 Day Challenge on eating healthier by giving up processed foods as best she can. I decided to take her up on the task and joined her challenge.

So this would relate to goal number ten.

To me this challenge is more than just avoiding unhealthy foods. It is about detoxing my body of junk that doesn't serve me as well as detoxing my spirit. I've always believed that my body and spirit were linked in a way that isn't always noticeable. Witches generally seem to understand this link as it can be seen in ritual and meditation. If one is unhealthy, it makes the workings harder to accomplish. So this challenge is a way to eat more correctly for both my body, mind and spirit. 

For me this challenge doesn't end in twenty eight days, but will be partly carried over into my regular eating lifestyle. This is something I have been meaning to do for quite some time, but just had not found the right time to integrate into my eating habits. I think the Divine has been slowly moving me into this direction and I have no reason not to go forward with it.