Monday, October 15, 2012


I've always loved older fashioned womanly hobbies like cross stitching, sewing, crochet, knitting and needlepoint. I was never able to do any of these hobbies until about three years ago. I guess when I was younger I managed to always find a way to not end up learning the skills required to do these hobbies, but I sure did day dream of doing them and all the projects I would one day complete.

However, I never got into knitting. It could be partly due to the fact I learned crochet first and was introduced to crochet at the young age of 8. Even though I learned to chain with a crochet hook at that age, I didn't learn to make projects until a few years ago, but I was used to holding a crochet hook versus a set of knitting needles.

I gave knitting a try once I had learned crochet and completed all the suggested projects in the instructional book I had purchased. The knitting book made it appear to be as easy as crochet, but I could never learn to knit to save my life. Well, if saving my life involved being in the wilderness alone with a body of water then I could knit a wonderful fish net as that is all my knitting efforts turned out to be like. I gave up until this week.

While wandering the isles of Wal-Mart's craft section I found books for a special crochet hook called a Knook. I ended up picking up a starter kit for it and found it very interesting. It is a crochet hook that has a handle which comes to a point. On the end with the point it has a hole through it creating a type of sewing needle appearance. You place a thread through the hole that later acts as your second knitting needle with your crochet hook being your first.

Using this Knook, I was actually able to knit a small project. This was the first time my knitting didn't have great similarities to a fishing net. I was quite proud of this since knitting has been on my To-Do List for some time now. I'm still no master of knooking, but I have found it much easier to learn than traditional knitting. Hopefully with time, I will be able to knit quickly and problem free using the Knook tools.

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