Saturday, June 2, 2012


Fasting has always been viewed as a spiritual action. It is going beyond your body's normal wants and abstaining from its daily diet. It is about freeing yourself from the demands of your body allowing you to realize that you are more than just your physical form. It is about clearing out your system of harmful toxins that are found in so much of what we consume that build up within us and slow us down. It is about learning self discipline and control of what we place within our bodies. These are just some of the reasons that I have chosen to fast this weekend.

I have fasted before in the past doing only one and two day fasts. I'm guessing that my long exposure to antibiotics has caused me to return to this method as of late. This would be due to recent feelings of being tired, depleted and ill. My body is no longer working in a manner that I could enjoy and decided it was time to take act. Fasting does indeed jump start the healing process after all.

My bone infection that I suffer from does not allow me to do a traditional water only fast. Instead, I have had to  take part in what is referred  to as a modified fast. This simply means that I have allowed myself small amounts of fruit, vegetables and juices. Now because I am on antibiotics daily, I have also allowed myself one small meal at the end of each day I fast. It consists of brown rice with cooked vegetables.

I am only doing it for the weekend at this time, but I plan to repeat this pattern in another week or so. It is a practice I would like to have back into my life to aid in my healing and my spiritual life. 

When I fast, I always end up adding in spiritual concepts. I will take extra time meditating, praying and focusing on my spiritual path. It really starts a rejuvenation within my soul when I do this while fasting in a way that no other method can compare for me. It allows me the chance to look at my life and my path with new insight and passion. 

If you haven't ever tried the practice of fasting, I highly recommend it. Figure out what method is best for you as there are several forms of modified fasts and each one meeting different needs. Once you have it planned out, the only thing left to do is try it. Take it one day at a time and slowly work up to more than one day at a time. I promise you won't regret the experience. 

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