Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I know introductions are normally found at the beginning, but I seem to have a thing for the unnatural. I just couldn't get myself to create my first post as my introduction. Seemed a bit too expected if you ask me and the one thing I know about the world of magick is you should always expect the unexpected. So here is my introduction, but you will find it reads more like a story. The story of me and how I came into the Hedgewitch Way.

To the birds I'm the Feeder Lady, to my street I'm the Neighborhood Witch, to my coven I am High Priestess Iris Moon, but to me I am just simply Sarah. Sarah the Hedgewitch, well, Urban Hedgewitch. I grew up my whole life outside a small town. It was common to see birds, deer, raccoons, and many other wildlife, but it wasn't until I was older that I learn to appreciate what is around me. It seems these things escape the eyes of normal folk, and I was no exception until a few years ago. While I was in college I began noticing the birds that stayed during the Winter at my parent's. This was the first time I ever noticed them really. I'd been a witch for many years, but for some reason I had missed one of the biggest lessons of being a witch. I had missed the lesson on being in Nature and really opening your eyes. However, the birds figured it was time for me to stop living with my eyes closed. It started with a Bobwhite. Three actually. They were huddled together in the backyard keeping warm. I had never seen one before so I memorized their every detail and then made a quick stop at the local bookstore. I purchased a book on bird-watching and some bird seed. And that was the start.

The Bobwhites left after the Winter, but I continued to identify the local birds. I'd spent my whole life listening to their morning songs, but had never thought to see which bird sang what song. It wasn't long before I discovered we had a nest of Eastern Phoebes near the back door or that Red Hawks flew in the skies often on my way to college. In fact, I believed the Hawks were telling me something. They were just everywhere that Spring. I finally tried to count them on my hour trip home for college only to find that I had spotted over 14 hawks. I from that point on figured it was an omen. I was right. The hawk was one of my animal totems, and this lead me on the path to research Shamanism.

While Shamanism is a fascinating path not everything in it was for me. I had already fallen for Wicca many years before this. Wicca was always a path that fit me. Honestly, I've been Wiccan my whole life, only when I was a small child I had no name for it. Shamanism always seemed a close second though. I had already mixed some Shamanic beliefs into my practice but it wasn't until after Sept 2007 that I fully embraced this.

On Sept 5, 2007, I was in a car accident. I had hit a tree when my car had gone off the road for reasons I will most likely never remember. It wasn't just an accident you walk away from either. I was badly injured and informed later that I would never use my right hand or walk ever again. I was 20 years old. However, what doctors seem to forget is the power of belief. I rejected their projections of my future and, as a Witch is often known for doing, changed the outcome. But it did not come easily, but the Goddess was with me each day. She sent me Eastern Phoebes to wake me each morning and in the evening two beautiful White-tailed Deer would come to our feeders. Alice and Amber is what we named the two does. They really seemed to love eating from your hand and weren't scared one bit of my wheelchair. I will never forget this period of recovery I went through. The birds and deer were a blessing in a time of pain and fear.

I did learn to walk again and have most of the use of my right hand back. It has been slow and I have had many downfalls and several surgeries since the initial accident. It has made me slow down and grow as a person. After all what is a Witch to do with so much free time? I had finally gotten the chance to do and learn all that I had always dreamed of. I learned how to crochet, cross-stitch, identify most of the local birds, sew using a pattern, cook all kinds of dishes, and garden. I also got the chance to learn how to make new friends in new places since my boyfriend, Jason, decided he wanted to take care of me full time and moved me into an apartment in town. It isn't the same as living near the woods where wildlife runs rampant, which is one of the reasons I say I'm an Urban Hedgewitch instead of a traditional one. Well, aside from the fact I am also a bit modern in my Hedgewitch practices.

However, I'm still new to the Hedgewitch way. This blog is meant to be a collection of writings involving my trip on this road. I know this path is right for me. I can feel it. Everything that lead to it wasn't just for nothing. It was the Universe showing me my way and I accept it with all of my soul.

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